Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bushy say what????

So this is my first attempt at blogging, but I have a lot of political ire that has built up over the past several years and because of my profession, my hubby's job, and the area I live in I do not feel I can express it. So here goes!

Why, why, why would G.W. think it is a good idea to drill off-shore for oil. This seems completely idiotic to me. Oil is a finite resource, it will eventually run out, but we are not there yet. Has he not heard the warnings about destroying our earth? Oh wait, probably not. He had not even heard about $4 gas until someone told him. Also he is a Republican and probably thinks it is all a conspiracy by us tree-hugging liberal crazies.

Personally, I think $4 a gallon gas is not too bad. I would like to see GW put his efforts into finding alternative fuels or making cars more efficient. That is where we need to focus. I hope $4 gas will change our priorities in this country. Maybe people will buy smaller cars, carpool, or bike. People will have to learn to use public transportation and if we do that, it will eventually have to get better. People will also have to use more local products, such as CSAs. I am sure I will get some flack for this, but come on, we could live in Europe where gas is a lot more expensive.